Anthony Pascale

Control Your Wealth Financial - Co-Founder and CEO

Anthony is a fiduciary financial advisor with years of experience as a leader in many sectors, including the financial industry and major airlines, this has given him a global perspective on the need to help educate people on the different financial strategies available to them.

From a young age, Anthony enjoyed travelling. He was fascinated by the many cultures he encountered. He had a love for airplanes which later inspired him to pursue and attain a pilot’s license at the age of 19. He later joined the airlines where he filled a number of positions from ticket agent to president of the flight attendant association. This exposure allowed him to learn and build from his experiences.

The financial industry appealed to Anthony because of his desire to help people. He believes in empowering his clients by showing them how money works. He informs them in finding better investment options by breaking down the financial process so that they can understand and feel more confident in taking financial decisions. His specialties include retirement planning, tax-efficient investments, wealth building and estate preservation. Based in Quebec, servicing clients in Quebec and Ontario.

With close to a decade of experience in the financial services industry, he has been recognized as being the Top Financial Advisor in Canada, at his previous firm, in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Today, with Infinite Financial Solution, an independent financial education and investment firm, he works on building families’ wealth through well-kept secret strategies of the industry. His main clients are professionals, business owners and real estate investors.

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